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Our New Hoop Garden!

Last fall the Manzanita Village Garden Club in conjunction with the Groundskeeping Committee wanted to move our primary garden off the terraces near our common house. We decided to build a hoop house on a long flat area along our pedestrian roadway. During the early part of this year, we were able to build a 12’ by 48’ hoop house with two long beds on either side of a central walkway. The hoop house is complete with animal-deterent fencing, work benches and a bird house. After the snow cleared from our late spring snowstorm of last weekend the plastic cover was installed so we can begin our early spring planting. We hope the plastic covers will protect the plants in the spring and fall and serve as a sun shade in the hottest part of the summer so that we’ll be able to extend our growing season and provide an optimal environment for our crops.

For further updates on our community gardens and other projects, check out the Manzanita Village Gaia’s Food Forest Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Manzanita-Village-Gaias-Food-Forest/143045212424353 .