Goats for Fire Fuels Mitigation
Sunday, October 23, 2011 at 6:34PM
Randy Holt in Green




In the spring of 2011 Manzanita Village was awarded a grant by the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors for fire fuels mitigation in our ravine. This grant is part of a larger effort that eventuated in the community being awarded a FireWise Community designation by FireWise/USA (http://www.firewise.org/). Becoming a FireWise community is an important effort in western and southwestern areas that are yearly ravaged by wildfires. Just this year the nation watched as 538,049 acres were destroyed by the Wallow Fire in eastern Arizona.


A major portion of our fire fuels mitigation grant was earmarked to hire a local herd of goats to help clear the four acres closest to community homes. Using goats instead human beings for this initial clearing effort means we not only can clear away fire fuels and underbrush but also enhance groundwater penetration and ultimately provide a healthier environment fro both the plants and animals living in this area.


After a period of preparation on the part of both the Village and the staff of Settler Valley Ranch, including the installation of a solar-powered electric fence to protect the goats from our resident coyotes and other predators, a herd of 25 goats, three males and 22 females, was delivered on Sunday October 23, 2011. It will take this herd about 40 days to clear the designated area.

Article originally appeared on Manzanita Village Cohousing (http://www.manzanitavillage.com/).
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