What We Expect From You

Definition of Membership

Manzanita Village recognizes two categories of members:

  • Lot owners (families or individuals who own one of the 36 lots).
  • Renters (families or individuals who live in the village but do not own one of the Village lots)

Rights and Responsibilities

Members of the Village acknowledge and affirm that in choosing to live in Manzanita Village they both gain from living in cohousing and take on unique responsibilities toward our community. We:

  • Agree with the Vision and Mission Statement of Manzanita Village.
  • Are aware of the contents of the Village By-Laws, CC&Rs, Villagers Guide and all official Village communications and agree to abide by these guiding principles of the Village.
  • Agree to make a time commitment to the operation and development of this cohousing community as outlined below.
  • Agree to live in the spirit of cohousing as outlined below.
  • Agree to meet the financial obligations as outlined below.

As members of Manzanita Village we can:

  • Participate in community decisions on Village matters, with the exception of financial decisions that pertain solely to property owners.
  • Participate in Village social activities.
  • Use the Common House for
    • hosting overnight guests
    • private parties
    • meetings of outside groups to which a Villager belongs
    • access to the exercise room, laundry, hot tub, computer, and television
    • Use other common areas of the Village.
  • Participate in monetary community discounts.
  • Access the “members only” section of the Manzanita Village website.
  • Expect care and support of other Villagers.

Time Commitment

Acknowledging that the community needs active member participation, and that the amount of work will vary with each individual’s time, abilities, health, and presence in the community, each member is expected to actively participate in the work of the community in such ways as:

  • Attending plenary meetings and community forums,
  • Contributing to the work of committees,
  • Being a member of a food preparation team,
  • Participating in work parties,
  • Performing other community service not defined above.

The Spirit of Cohousing

Acknowledging that the community needs collaborative interpersonal relationships, each member is expected to respect the integrity of other members and their differing viewpoints so as to foster a culture of trust and consensus in our interactions with one another by:

  • Acknowledging that while I may not always agree with group decisions, I will support the consensus of the larger group. I will ask questions in order to understand rather than to confront, recognizing that differences can be an opportunity for growth, learning and health.
  • Supporting the well being of the community through timely and mindful input and feedback regarding community operations and procedures.
  • Acting with respect and kindness, seeking to promote what is best for community while honoring what is best for myself as an individual.
  • Being honest and open in my relationships with others by speaking positively and directly with those with whom I have disagreements. I expect to resolve conflicts using our Living in Harmony procedures.
  • Understanding that being a member of a cohousing community requires learning and practice.
  • Acknowledging and attending to my own personal and emotional needs, taking responsibility for communicating my needs to the community, and being caring and supportive of other members and their personal needs.
  • Getting to know and enjoy my neighbors through attending and participating in community social functions and activities.

Financial Obligations

Common Area and Common House allocation:

  • Lot Owner: All lots are liable for a Common Area and Common House allocation, which is assessed when the lot is first sold and when the number of residents increases. There are no refunds if the number of adults in the household decreases. No more than three unrelated adults can be in residence in any home. Children are considered to be adults at age 21. Currently the allocation for new lot sales is $13,000. If a second adult also resides here, the owner is liable for an additional allocation of $3,000. There is an additional allocation of $3000 for a third adult not related by blood, marriage or legal adoption. Full-time live-in caregivers are exempted from these allocations.
  • Renter: Allocation paid by property owner.

Annual HOA Assessment:

  • Lot Owner: Commonly paid monthly, HOA dues are used to
    • maintain the Common House,
    • maintain and develop our common areas,
    • support the work of the HOA,
    • maintain the reserve fund,
    • and pay off any acquired loans.
  • Renter: Covered by property owner

Special Assessments when approved by lot owners:

  • Lot Owner: Pays as required
  • Renter: does not apply

Living in Harmony

Manzanita Village maintains the right to enforce its policies and procedures as specified in the By-Laws, CC&Rs, and Villagers Guide. If someone is in violation of a community policy, we use the Villagers Guide procedure “Living in Harmony” to resolve the issue.